Reminiscence Therapy
Sammie T. Walker Ph.D.
Reminiscence Therapy had a positive effect on patients' self-esteem and intellectual functioning. RT is a valuable, noninvasive psychosocial intervention that assists elderly patients in significantly minimizing depression symptoms (Bhar et al., 2022; Duru & Kapucu, 2016; Khan et al., 2022).
It is estimated that more than 26% of older adults will experience at least one mental disorder.
The phenomenon that encompasses aging continues to be a global issue. Approximately one quarter of all aging adults experience a neurological or psychological disorder such as anxiety, dementia, and depression. Information taken from the World Health Organization (WHO) website suggested that individuals 65 years or older increased from 524 million in 2010 to 1.4 billion (World Health Organization, 2023).
Social isolation and exclusion are common problems amongst elderly patients. Reminiscence Therapy aims to diminish social isolation and exclusion by empowering patients to adapt to their social environment by helping them remember their past lived experiences and accomplishments. Reminiscence Therapy is practiced by a wide range of professionals who are involved in senior citizens' care.
Social isolation and exclusion are common problems amongst elderly patients.
Healthcare continues to be a critical social burden for aging adults. It is estimated that more than 26% of older adults will experience at least one mental disorder or disability. Reminiscence Therapy can assist patients with and without mental health problems.

Reminiscence Therapy offers patients an opportunity to relive past memories from an earlier and happier time in their lives. Seeing objects or hearing sounds can inspire a renewed sense of meaning and purpose in the lives of elders who were gradually losing their cognitive skills and memory.

Reminiscence Therapy can be in a formal or informal setting with family members, other individuals, or in a group setting.
Individuals who participated in Reminiscence Therapy reported having better self-esteem, are more optimistic about their future, and are more positive about their social interactions.
Some components of RT include simple activities and advanced therapies that are aimed to invoke memories from a distant past into present awareness. As a result, storytelling can help individuals feel less isolated and more connected to the present.
Seeing objects or hearing sounds can inspire a renewed sense of meaning and purpose...
Reminiscence Therapy offers patients an opportunity to relive past memories from an earlier and happier time in their lives. Seeing objects or hearing sounds can inspire a renewed sense of meaning and purpose in the lives of elders who were gradually losing their cognitive skills and memory.